Wednesday, 20 June 2012

Wednesday June 20th

Well, it's all been a bit fraught at running HQ, with not much running! I'm carrying on with my ankle strengthening exercises and that seems to be pr0gressing nicely. Yesterday lunchtime I did 30 mins along the canal and was dead chuffed with myself. And I saw a dead rat and a seagul with a dead starling in its beak. My crappy iphone calculated this to be 6 and a half miles! I wish!!! So I've no idea how far I ran. Roll on end of contract so it can go in the bin and I can get my hands on the delicious new shiney Samsung Galaxy SIII.
Fibonaccithecat has been poorly and had a tumour removed. He,too, is on the mend, but is wearing a collar and still isn't allowed out so he spends most of the day sleeping and most of the night getting wedged under furniture or trying to get out of the catflaop; and I spend most of the day trying to stop him scratching/licking his huge scar and most of the night freeing him from under said furniture and shouting at him to STOP BANGING ON THE SODDING CATFLAP!!!
So not ideal running preparations really! Am absolutely knackered.
But today I bought some new running shoes from Sweatshop which have a bit more cushioning than my Vapor 9s. I'm going to try them out tomorrow. I also got a free pass into their FullPotentil run club, which I have to say looks great and they are designing me a training plan as part of the deal so I'll see what it looks like and, I'm sorry Matt, but I may have to let you go....
And more good news - my Team Bones runnign tee-shirt arrived today so now I feel like it's actually happening (bugger!). And my sponsorship is starting to mount up even though I haven't properly advertised yet
So I think we're getting there,slowly...does anyone want a cat?

1 comment:

  1. Stop being so beastly about his Lordship. Cats know how we feel. They don't care, but they know.
