Sunday, 5 August 2012

Well, week seven hasn't quite gone to plan. After the Welburn Ryans left I came down with another lurg.Honestly, I've gone year after year with no illness, but ever since I started running I'm catching nasty things on a regular basis. What's that all about, then? Friday's Tempo run went by the board as I could barely stand up and Sunday morning's long run didn't seem like it would happen. It's up to 65 minutes and I knew I wasn't feeling great but I thought I should at least try to do something even if it was just a twenty minute stagger. I went really slowly and at about 30 mins I thought I might actually die if I didn't stop. But then the heavens opened and it absolutely hammered down and somehow it reinvigorated me. Running in the lashing rain was brilliant - it really did rain stair rods for half an hour.Unfortunately I had my Team Bones tee-shirt on and not my proper running shirt and it was sopping afetr 10 mins; well everything I had on was.
But it was worth it -  I did my 65 minutes. Yes, you read that correctly - I (me!) ran non-stop for over an hour!!!Yarroo!!! It wasn't as good distance wise as last week ,but given that I've been living on paracetamol and ventolin for the last two days I'm rather chuffed with myself. Mind you, I feel a bit ropey now...

Greetings blogfollwers - Fibonacci here again.
Running HQ has gone Olypmic mad. Here I am with a real Olympic torch!! One of the Welburn Ryans carried it in Yorkshire

There is sport on all day long and I've had to retreat to the potato sack several times due to the excessive amount of yelling at the television that is going on. We watched Ben win the Finn class today - much yelling involved and saw our two gymnasts win silver and bronze (more yelling). Go GB!!
I have been in the dog house a bit - I spied a peice of warm chicken in a bag and actually managed to appraoch undetected and get my head into the bag and get my teeth into it, but then, inexplicably, I got my head stuck in the bloody bag and fell off the counter trying to get it out.  There was a lot more yelling then  ,but not at the telly....
Having just got rid of those pesky Welburn Ryans we are gearing up for several of the Belgium Ryans and their olympic tickets..It's like  a bloody hotel. But at least they are cat people so loads of treats for me I think.....

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