Sunday, 27 May 2012

Week 4
Day 4 Sunday May 27th
Target : 40 Mins steady
Actuals: 3 mins unsteady

Well, Blogfollowers, it's me again, Fibs. The crisis at running HQ is deepening,with no activity at all this week until this morning, when MyHuman - against my advice, I hasten to add - decided to see how her ankle was bearing up and attempted a little jog. Well it was certainly that - little! The ankle is very poorly and I am recommending a sports physio consultation next week. I'm also recommending gentle stretches and pilates until running can be undertaken once more. I'm being very supportive and this is me doing my pilates:

It's fair to say I am much more finely honed than MyHuman, you just can't see it under my fabulous coat!

Week 4 summary:
Number of miles - None. Nada. Zilcho.

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