Wednesday, 19 September 2012

18 days to go (nooooo!)
Another 3 and a half miles in bank before work yesterday. Had a second sports massage this morning and I think it may actually have been marginally more excrutiating than last week. So much so that I had to seek solace in an Eccles cake. Well, not that much solace as I had to fight Fibonaccithecat for most of it.
I now have Arnica for my bruises, which tells you how tough it is. Katie the Magnificent went to town on my dodgy hip and my ILB (or is that ILT?Or BLT - oooh yes please). Anyway, its that big flat tendon that runs down the outside of your thigh and seems to go on for ever. Anyway, tight, tight, tight! She advised foam rolling (not rolling foam, obviously, but rolling on foam). She said " that will loosen it up, but in the meantime I'll just do it for you". Oh my life!! I was practically weeping it was soooo painful. She actually used the point of her elbow at one point - the point where back to back NSB video conferences suddenly seemed rather attractive......(just kidding. I love it all really.... )
So. 18 days left to get from 6 miles to 13 and raise my target of £500 for BRCT (I'm still not quite there so if you are reading this and haven't sponsored me and suddenly feel the urge then do not resist it!)
As long as I don't hear those dreaded words before then "Come in, number 13,923, your time is up"

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