Sunday, 9 September 2012

Well, blogfollowers, you stalwart few, a little ray of sunshine has penetrated the thickening cloud that has been hanging over Running HQ.
This morning I went for a jog!! Oh yes, after 10 days of enforced idelness, and not much activity for the previous two weeks, I decided to bite the bullet and get back out there. The sun was shining, the sky was blue and Regents Park was calling to me...
OK, it was only 23 minutes and 1.8 miles, and a mix of fast walking and jogging bimbling, but I am chuffed. No pain to speak of.
You see, desperate times have called for desperate measures, and on Friday I bought some 2XU calf skins from those lovely people at Parkway Runners Need. Admittedly, they make me look like a cross between Sigourney Weaver in Alien and Nora Batty, but do I care? No. If they keep my muscles working and me running then I'm happy.
God I've missed running. The park was busy - why are you out running, all of you Running People? Have you picked up a gaunlet thrown down? Are you running towards a goal that might just be achieved? Are you running from a sorrow that can never be outrun? Or are you just running - because you can?

Matt and I, I have to tell you, have parted company (sorry, Matt, I tried but you were just too much for me) and I have consigned him to Second Bookcase, in between "Running a Half Marathon - Whose Stupid Idea Was This?" and "Is Your Cat Cleverer Than You Are?" (with regard to this last, I hope not, as I have to try to get a urine sample out of him tomorrow. Let battle commence.....).

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