Sunday, 7 October 2012

Oh yes!! Ran all the way, no stopping, came in at 2.38.40!! Can you believe it???
It was awesome!! But the last 4 miles were tough, especially the last one. My legs just stopped working but the support from the crowd was phenomenal. Having your name on your shirt really helps! And my lovely niece and friends were there in force to cheer me on and welcome me home.
And to top it all my date bars flew off the stall. Mary Berry eat my muffin tins!
Here's me at the start..

..and here I am 13 miles and two hours 38 minutes later:
As you can see I've aged twenty years and am just about to fall over.

I hope Bridget would be proud - that was for her - and for Paul. And I raised over £800 for Bone Cancer Research Trust.

So that's it. My half marathon training blog is now finished. It was fun to write and I hope it was fun to read.
Thank you for taking the time to follow me and for supporting me in my challenge.
Sandy (and Fibonaccithecat).
God, I need a drink!

Saturday, 6 October 2012

Now I know why I don't bake! It's soooooo messy! And dates - sticky little bleeders!
Anyway, out of the chaos a thing of beauty emerged. Check out these babies:

Made for BCRT with love (and a not inconsiderable amount of swearing) by Number 13,923.
This time tomorrow it will all be over.....
1 more day to go! This day! Daaargh!!!
Limbs feeling fine, lungs not so fine. Have got bit of a cold. And I know exactly who gave it to me and I will be having words with you, SJN, when you return!
Running kit all washed and ready. I bough a new running pouch thingy yesterday which is way better than the one I have so very pleased with that .Just big enough for essentials like inhaler and gels.
I also agreed to bake some date bars for the BCRT stand tomorrow. I don't know how that happened, as I am to baking what Delia Smith is to spot welding. What are date bars? Apparently they need wholewheat flour - is there such a thing? Oh, and dates. Mustn't forget them. Still, it will keep me occupied because I am VERY NERVOUS.
The Belgium Ryans are cheering me on tomorrow in the shape of my my niece Bea, who is studying at Royal Holloway and is coming down this afternoon so that will be another distraction. And an hour with Katie should relax me a bit (she has promised not to do anything too deep).
Right, date bars.......

Friday, 5 October 2012

2 days to go!!!
Been out for a little jog this morning to see how things are. Running was surprisingly comfortable given pains of yesterday, but worryingly breathing was hard...
I am a foam roller convert! Everyone should have one and then life would be bendier and a lot more fun.
So that's nearly it. Have been carbo loading like crazy - infact I think I may go a bit crazy if I see any more pasta. Got an hour with Katie tomorrow afternoon and then Sunday will be upon me. Royal Parks have been tweeting pictures of them setting up in Hyde Park - all the tents and barriers everywhere for funnelling us into the right place. Just a little bit terrified? Oh yes!
But they have brough out a fab app for iphone and android so you can track your people and see where they are on the course and how they're doing or if they've nipped into the pub......

Wednesday, 3 October 2012


Not now!!
was going to go for a light jog this morning, but my right leg is on fire from hip to toe. I think my bursitis has decided to make itself known; my calf is tight and there is pain......crap, crap, crap. Only 3 days left now; am growing fearful....

Sunday, 30 September 2012

No more weekends left!! Daaaaargh!!
This is the point of no return:
I feel a bit sick. Whose stupid idea was this?
I did an hour at the weekend, five and a half miles. I should have done a bit more really but everything hurts now. Plus I had a run-in with a heron. Honestly, running in Regent's Park is like going on bleeding safari. I was quietly congratulating myself on successfully negotiating pockets of pigeons, gaggles of snaffling geese, waddling swans that were hissing like billio and a spaniel that clearly needed to be medicated when I turned a corner and there it was, standing in the middle of the path, blocking my way - a large, straggle-feathered heron. All it needed was a little pointy hat and a staff and it would have been Gandalph of the avian world: You. Shall Not. Pass.
It eyed me with its beady eye (they have got quite long, sharp beaks, herons, haven't they?) and waggled its neck at me (I'm not entirely sure what neck-waggling actually means, in Heron-speak, but I don't think it was inviting me to breakfast). It was only when it opened both of its wings and took a step towards me that I decided that discretion was the better part of valour and retreated.

I did see four Royal Parks Half runners, though, identifiable by their gold Royal Parks running tops, going through their paces (I have one, too, but will be wearing my team bones one).

So. Two little gentle jogs this week, an hour with Katie untrapping trapped things and untightening tight things and I can do no more til race day. Friends and colleagues have been saying it's no disgrace to walk some of it if I have to ( I'm horribly undertrained and I've no idea if my muscles/joints will go the distance), but I would see that as a failure, even though the point of the whole thing is to remember Bridget and Paul and raise money for BCRT, so they can work to try to make sure that people like James don't have to live with the tragedy of loosing  young family members before they've had time to live.

So thanks to all you out there for supporting me and donating to BCRT, especially those renegades in Seattle who actually figured out how to sponsor me in Sterling. Whohoo indeed!!!

Watch this space....

Wednesday, 26 September 2012

11 days to go!!
Just had another sports massage this evening. Oh God it was still excrutiating especially the quads! I was practically crying and I swear when she was digging her thumbs into my calf my kidneys moved an inch and a half. To add to the agony I have trapped nerves in my neck, so next week they are going to be untrapped in my last massage before The Big Day.
Am getting nervous now - have done very little since my 9 miles when I should have done a couple of 5-6 mile runs at least. Think I will have to get up early tomorrow amd get some miles in before work.....
I did invest in a foam roller, though. Honestly, you wouldn't believe how painful it is rolling on a piece of foam!  I'm sure I saw something very similar at the Tower of London torture room when I took my niece there a few months ago.....

Saturday, 22 September 2012

15 days to go!
Guess what, blogfollowers?
9 miles!! Little old asthmatic,not-very-fit, perennially injured me ran 9 miles today. NINE!
Paula Radcliffe, eat my shorts!
I can scarce believe it. Mind you, I can't actually walk now, my feet look like they've been transplanted from a hobbit and I think I'll have to put my dancing pumps up on eBay. But 9 miles! Thanks once more to my stalwart friends who gave up their Saturday morning to push/pull me round Hampstead Heath (and with a hangover! Not mine, I hasten to add).
And thanks to the person/persons unknown who sponsored me on Friday a very generous amount, taking me passed my total for bone cancer research.  Whoever you are, thank you so much.
So there is a meteor shower of hope streaking across the dark skies above Running HQ. And with it, belief at last. OK the last 4 miles will be in the lap of the Gods, but I am hopeful.

God if Quins don't win I shall cry. What are they doing? I could have bloody well scored that with my eyes closed.

Wednesday, 19 September 2012

18 days to go (nooooo!)
Another 3 and a half miles in bank before work yesterday. Had a second sports massage this morning and I think it may actually have been marginally more excrutiating than last week. So much so that I had to seek solace in an Eccles cake. Well, not that much solace as I had to fight Fibonaccithecat for most of it.
I now have Arnica for my bruises, which tells you how tough it is. Katie the Magnificent went to town on my dodgy hip and my ILB (or is that ILT?Or BLT - oooh yes please). Anyway, its that big flat tendon that runs down the outside of your thigh and seems to go on for ever. Anyway, tight, tight, tight! She advised foam rolling (not rolling foam, obviously, but rolling on foam). She said " that will loosen it up, but in the meantime I'll just do it for you". Oh my life!! I was practically weeping it was soooo painful. She actually used the point of her elbow at one point - the point where back to back NSB video conferences suddenly seemed rather attractive......(just kidding. I love it all really.... )
So. 18 days left to get from 6 miles to 13 and raise my target of £500 for BRCT (I'm still not quite there so if you are reading this and haven't sponsored me and suddenly feel the urge then do not resist it!)
As long as I don't hear those dreaded words before then "Come in, number 13,923, your time is up"

Sunday, 16 September 2012

21 Days to go.
I ran 6 miles today!!! SIX!! Up hill and down dale, zig-zagging across Hampstead Heath with my friends (thank you, friends, for giving up your Sunday morning to help me train). Bloody fantastic it was, there is hope for me yet. Ok it wasn't particularly  quick, but do I care? Non. And I didn't even have to use my Sigourney sleeves (although I did see a chap in them - his, not mine, obviously - and interestingly he had the arrows at the front.....which means one of us is a bit wierd; or a bit dim)!
I do believe if I can just stay injury free for the next three weeks I will make it....
Katie's going to have another go at my muscles this week, too, so fingers crossed....

Saturday, 15 September 2012

Oh my Life! It's really happening - I got this this morning

I am officially Number 13, 923!! I guess the challenge is not to finish 13, 923rd (that's assuming that there are more than 13,923 runners and I am not already last)! I also got a very snazzy Royal Parks running vest.
The training workshop was disappointing really, just reminding me of all of the things I should have done by now and haven't and telling us all that we should now be winding down our training...Winding down? Er, hello? It's cranking up for me!!
The best thing about it was meeting James, whose training has been dogged by more serious pain and anguish than mine and he has so far only managed 7 miles. This makes my 5 and a bit seem not so bad and at least I know I am not the only one horribly underprepared and doubtful about finishing before the sun sets. And, he too is running for BCRT, having lost his 9 year old cousin to bone cancer (which makes me all the more glad that I'm doing it and puts life into perspective really).
Am running on Hampstead Heath tomorrow with friends, which needs to be for an hour at least...
But I'm feeling positive, and the All Blacks won this morning and Richie was fabulous as ever. Is there ever more glorious a sight in the international theatre of sport than a Haka with its hackles up?  No. There is not. Unless you count me winning the Royal Parks Half Marathon.....arf!

Thursday, 13 September 2012

22 days to go
Well. Did I have a teensy weensy little rant about my sports massage yesterday? I think I may have.
I take it all back. I am bruised from top to toe, but I just ran for 45 minutes, no stopping,  a little over 3 miles - and without my Sigourney Sleeves!!! Weh-hey!! Katie Scott, masseuse to the wrestling fraternity, I don't know what you did to me yesterday but I now love and adore you!! You have gone right up there into the firmament of People I Love And Adore (you would have gone straight to the top were that spot not occupied by Richie Mccaw who, in short, is a God, and cannot be dislodged for love nor money).
So there remains hope...
I also signed up for the Royal Parks Half training  workshop this Saturday morning which seemd like a good idea at the time - until I got a confirmation email with an attachment that was headed "Military Fitness Training". Oh dear. I think I may have just signed myself into some kind of boot camp....

Wednesday, 12 September 2012

23 days to go
Oh My Sainted Aunt! Have just had first sports massage  (one hour long) and can honestly say I'd rather be tied to a tree and have my heart pecked out by blackbirds. It was excruciating!! Never have I felt such pain. I think I'm going to need a glass of wine to dull my nerve ends; and none of that crisp, pale,frivolous Orvieto; oh no, this is a job for a stonking OysterBay Merlot at the very least....
I don't honestly think I'll be able to stand up (wine drinking aside), let alone walk to work tomorrow - and I've got a 9.00 am meeting.
Apparently, there was a lot of scar tissue to tease out and my running muscles (it seems I do have some) are all bunched up and tight. Well they're bloody well not any more. The lovely Katie (she who ministers to the World Wrestling Stars - there was a clue there) says no running today but she is optimistic that training can resume and that I will make it....We shall see what tomorrow brings.....

Tuesday, 11 September 2012

Another little victory this morning in the battle to run the Royal Parks! To add to my 23 mins on Sunday, another 30 - and this time no walking, jogging all the way. Only just over 2 miles but better than nothing. So just another 11 miles to find in the next 24 days then!!
Have got a one hour sports massage tomorrow to see if this will help, but have  just noticed  in the small sprint that this lady is sports masseuse to the World Wrestling Stars, so it may  finish me off altogether.  At the very least I think it might actually hurt.....

Sunday, 9 September 2012

Well, blogfollowers, you stalwart few, a little ray of sunshine has penetrated the thickening cloud that has been hanging over Running HQ.
This morning I went for a jog!! Oh yes, after 10 days of enforced idelness, and not much activity for the previous two weeks, I decided to bite the bullet and get back out there. The sun was shining, the sky was blue and Regents Park was calling to me...
OK, it was only 23 minutes and 1.8 miles, and a mix of fast walking and jogging bimbling, but I am chuffed. No pain to speak of.
You see, desperate times have called for desperate measures, and on Friday I bought some 2XU calf skins from those lovely people at Parkway Runners Need. Admittedly, they make me look like a cross between Sigourney Weaver in Alien and Nora Batty, but do I care? No. If they keep my muscles working and me running then I'm happy.
God I've missed running. The park was busy - why are you out running, all of you Running People? Have you picked up a gaunlet thrown down? Are you running towards a goal that might just be achieved? Are you running from a sorrow that can never be outrun? Or are you just running - because you can?

Matt and I, I have to tell you, have parted company (sorry, Matt, I tried but you were just too much for me) and I have consigned him to Second Bookcase, in between "Running a Half Marathon - Whose Stupid Idea Was This?" and "Is Your Cat Cleverer Than You Are?" (with regard to this last, I hope not, as I have to try to get a urine sample out of him tomorrow. Let battle commence.....).

Wednesday, 5 September 2012

Today's challenge - how to get a urine sample from a cat. Jeez. Life at Running HQ just gets better and better.....

Have been doing my exercises and stretching my hamstrings, which you could bounce a billiard ball off they're so bleeding tight, and now my leg is screaming from top to toe. I think I need a glass chilled Orvieto to numb the pain...
...and remind me of those halcyon days, of sipping fresh Italian coffee in the early stillness of morning; watching Georgio quietly tend his fruit trees; and smiling at the sounds of the household within, gradually uncurling its various selves, pulled long and lazy by the warm smell of coffee and the first touches of sun....
Crap. Is it really less than a week ago? I think I may need two.

Monday, 3 September 2012

Dark clouds are gathering over running HQ, which is now back in London. Have been to see the physio today and the news is not good. All inflamed from calf to hip and am to do no running for another week. None! There are only 5 left until the big day and now another one is lost! And I haven't even run half the distance yet.
Have got battery of execises to do morning and night in  the meantime and physio is recommending some kind of gel insert for my shoes. She is not hugely optimistic about my chances for the race; if (if?) I do make it to the start she says I am likely to be doing far more walking than running. I'm so gutted and fed up. I think I'm going to eat some chocolate and pull the wings of the sodding bluebottle that is buzzing around the flat to cheer myself up (don't worry, you members of the Bluebottle Protection Society, I'm going to beat it to death with my Matt Roberts' 'Get Running' book first. It won't feel a thing....)

Do you know what? Sod it. I will be on the start line on the 7th of October and I will cross the finish line (hopefully also on the 7th October) even if I have to crawl over it, which is looking more and more likely. So there.

On a brighter note Fibonaccithecat went to see VetJanet this morning and he has put on weight, tipping the scales at 4.8kg! So that's good. Must be all the custard tarts the Old Matriarch has been sharing with him.....

Thursday, 30 August 2012

disaster is looming at Running HQ. went for 3.5 miles yesterday evening with two of my fellow villa dwellers. Beautiful run but agony. All is most definitely not well could barely make it to the kitchen this morning. But hopefully those lovely people at Camden Physio will sort me out on Monday.
Today is our last day here, which is sad, because it's been absolute heaven ( we lay by the pool one night watching for shooting stars - and saw some!), but we have set ourselves the challenge of eating the entire contents of our very big fridge so that should be interesting if not marginally life threatening. The content of the little fridge is all liquid based so represents a slightly tougher challenge but I'm sure the boys will step up to the plate....

Tuesday, 28 August 2012

Well there is some positive news from Running HQ, which has temporarily re- located to Umbria. There has been running twice - only about 2 miles each time - but it's better than nothing. Injury still lingering so still not running free or far enough!
I'm also doing lots of running in the swimming pool each day which causes no end of merriment to my fellow villa dwellers. In between running I am concentrating on strength by walking up and down some very big hills - we went to see the Marimore Cascade yesterday and merrily trotted down the side of a wacking great ravine to see it from the bottom up. It was stunning, but we were not quite so merry when we realised it was Tuesday and not Sunday, the only day the shuttle back to the top runs, and had to walk up 500 rough steps (manfully counted and conquered by Lester) to get back to the top. Damn near had a bleeding heart attack.
I'm also working very hard on my nutrition (not). We are attempting a new world record for the number of barbies had in one day and our fridge is so full of Orvieto ( went there - beautiful) and beer there's barely room for the steak.
Best drink some then I think. But perhaps not before breakfast.....

Friday, 24 August 2012

Greetings, Blogfollowers, Fibonacci here.
MyHuman is abandoning me for foreign climes and the Old Matriarch is down from the North to look after me. This is good news for me, because it means tea & toast in bed, meat & potato pies and custard tarts all round!! God, I hope VetJanet's not reading this. She changed my tablets a few weeks ago and now I fell quite perky. I've fully recovered my operation and my fur is growing back in even more luscious than it was before (hard to believe I know). It's not quite all there yet, but at least I no longer look like an extra from Cranford:
MyHuman's torn calf is healing slowly. God if there's no running in Italy and/or more injury there will be a total melt down at Running HQ and I will be moving into the greenhouse permanently.
That little sod Marmaduke is due back any day now too. He's a ginger two year-old who lives behind me and chases me in through the catflap and slobbers all over my toys and eats my food; and sometimes he even curls up on my cushion like he owns the place.
Actually I feel a bit sorry for him because his humans have been travelling and he's been in a kennel for 6 months!!! He was bad enough before they went, so after six months inside he'll be completely mental.
Well, I must go and do an inventory of said toys I think, and push Mousey under the book case because he's my favourite.

Monday, 20 August 2012

Well, the news from running HQ is not so bad I think. Have been to see those lovely physios at Camden Physio and while they have confirmed a muscle tear, it's not severe. Have had some ultra sound and have been told not to run for 5 days, after  which I can try a little jogette. I'll be in Umbria by then (thank you, God) and have been given hip strengthening exercises and hydratherapy exercises I can do in the pool. It's going to be a tough assignment that, exercising each day in the pool of a secluded villa, with nothing but a view of the Umbrian hills and a glass or two of chilled Orvieto to sustain me.......
On a more serious note, I have to go back to see the physio when I return & they'll assess me and help me sort out the rest of my training. So all is not lost yet, although I would be lying if I said it wasn't playing on my mind just a teensy bit that I haven't run half the distance yet but am over halfway through my training.......

Sunday, 19 August 2012

Well, week 9 was a disaster. So much so that week 10 is in serious doubt.
I picked up a right calf stain finishing off week 8 last Sunday, but ran through it. First session of week 9 I didn't do to let my strain recover and then the second session, which was intervals (my favourite!) I failed to complete it. That's the first time that I've failed to complete a session that I've started, managing only 5 of 8 interval sets. I was totally demoralised and started to seriously doubt my ability to do this at all. But later that day I was just emailing JT and he walked into the office!! Even more spooky as he's not even based on my site. Anyway , he gave me a pep talk so I decided to the the third session of week 9 the next day and I managed it fine. It was tough - a tempo run - but I did it and felt I was back on track. Until today.
Disaster has struck once more. 70 mins was on the cards, which is longer than I've ever done. So I made sure I had a decent  meal the night before (having restricted my self to one glass of Pimms at the Cricket - front row seats in the Allen stand; fabbo!), up early before the heat built, took water with me, what could possibly go wrong?
Set off at a gentle bimble, gradually working up to ramming speed , all tickety boo, sun shining, birdies tweeting, dogs lolloping, ducks bobbing...45 minutes in, a few miles under my belt I get a little twinge in my left calf totally out of nowhere. I thought OK, will give it a few minutes and see I can run it through like last Sunday when suddenly pop! Something went and I came to a grinding halt. Bloody well ouch! Of course sods law I was deep into the park at the time and it took me nearly an hour to hobble home. Crap! And I got 'attacked' by a bouncy, long-eared chocolate spaniel called Lola and then a great Dane which tried to wrestle my water bottle from me.
Have done ice and anti inflams, but I can't actually walk now, which is a bit of a bugger as I have heaps to do today, most of which involves walking. Did I already say Crap!
Come on you runners out there following this blog - what am I doing wrong?

I wonder if any one has ever done a half marathon on their hands and knees?
Could be a first; I will not let this beat me. If you are looking down , Bridget, from the Welsh department of heaven, I could use a bit of help down here......

Saturday, 18 August 2012

Why is it that when you see two people doing early morning personal training, it's always the man doing all of the shouting and the woman doing all of the work? Case in point in Primrose Hill - I saw this bloke sitting on a gym ball (although to be fair it could have been the other way round the proportions of both being so similar), chatting on his phone and there was a girl at his feet who looked for all the world like she was knitting herself into a tanktop. She let out  tiny squeal as I went by, which could have been pain or she'd dropped a couple of stitches and the bloke on the ball hardly broke breath - "keep going, love, your doing fine. What's that, mate? Yeah I'll meet you later in the Lazy Sod  for a wheat grass and a cheese burger....."

Off to Lords now for a lazy day's cricket watching from the members end. I wonder if you can die from drinking too much Pimms.....?

Got to do 70 minutes running tomorrow, which will bring wretched week 9 to an end. More of that later...

Thursday, 16 August 2012

Week 9 is not going at all to plan, but more of that later, because I'm going to have to have a teensy weensy little rant about birds. Not being a natural athlete and no longer in the first flush of youth, I sought loads of advice about running - what to do, what not to do, what to watch out for.  I even bought Matt's 'Get Running' book which neatly lists all of these things - buy the right shoes, wear the right clothes, eat the right foods, don't over train and try not to get run over (ok, I made that last one up but it should be at the top of the list!). But Matt, Matt ,Matt, Matt,Matt, you've let me down badly. Nowhere in your lovely book (that's the one with the hideous training schedule I'm trying to follow) do you tell me to watch out for the birds...
There was I bimbling along the tow path, a million miles away and not absorbing the fact that there was a bloody huge aviery in the offing, when two ,what I can only describe as small pterodactyl things decided to have a pterodactyl domestic at the top of their screeching avian voices, just as I was bimbling by.
Elevated heart rate? Damn near pitched headlong into the  canal I got such a bloody fright.

Note to self: mind out for the sodding birds

Wednesday, 8 August 2012

In my Matt Roberts Get Running schedule for today it says "we're now throwing in a few sprints for some serious speed and fun".
First of all, sprinting is not fun, it's a nausea inducing pain fest; and B, are you crazy??!!
I'm so far the wrong side of forty I'm only just the right side of fifty, with a dodgy right hip and a dodgier left ankle and can't start the day without an inhaler; and you want me to sprint? And for fun?
No,,no,no,no,no! Pas de sprinting! EVER!!!

I think I shall have to write my own book -
Running for the Unfit Forties.
Chapter 1: Don't.
The End.

Monday, 6 August 2012

Been out this morning for the start of week 8. Nothing spectacular only 25 mins steady was required and managed just over 2 miles. Just as I was coming into the park I saw a woman running towards me going like an express train and I thought I bet she's a young club athlete in training for something. When I got up to her she must have been 60 if she was a day! And she said good morning like she was just out to get a paper. There am I, bimbling along valiantly, thinking I must surely be nearing the Olympic qualifying time for something by now, and there is she, at least 20 years older and running faster than Usain bleeding Bolt. There is no justice in the world. Or in park, at any rate.
But I did see a really cute puppy. And a finch.

Sunday, 5 August 2012

Well, week seven hasn't quite gone to plan. After the Welburn Ryans left I came down with another lurg.Honestly, I've gone year after year with no illness, but ever since I started running I'm catching nasty things on a regular basis. What's that all about, then? Friday's Tempo run went by the board as I could barely stand up and Sunday morning's long run didn't seem like it would happen. It's up to 65 minutes and I knew I wasn't feeling great but I thought I should at least try to do something even if it was just a twenty minute stagger. I went really slowly and at about 30 mins I thought I might actually die if I didn't stop. But then the heavens opened and it absolutely hammered down and somehow it reinvigorated me. Running in the lashing rain was brilliant - it really did rain stair rods for half an hour.Unfortunately I had my Team Bones tee-shirt on and not my proper running shirt and it was sopping afetr 10 mins; well everything I had on was.
But it was worth it -  I did my 65 minutes. Yes, you read that correctly - I (me!) ran non-stop for over an hour!!!Yarroo!!! It wasn't as good distance wise as last week ,but given that I've been living on paracetamol and ventolin for the last two days I'm rather chuffed with myself. Mind you, I feel a bit ropey now...

Greetings blogfollwers - Fibonacci here again.
Running HQ has gone Olypmic mad. Here I am with a real Olympic torch!! One of the Welburn Ryans carried it in Yorkshire

There is sport on all day long and I've had to retreat to the potato sack several times due to the excessive amount of yelling at the television that is going on. We watched Ben win the Finn class today - much yelling involved and saw our two gymnasts win silver and bronze (more yelling). Go GB!!
I have been in the dog house a bit - I spied a peice of warm chicken in a bag and actually managed to appraoch undetected and get my head into the bag and get my teeth into it, but then, inexplicably, I got my head stuck in the bloody bag and fell off the counter trying to get it out.  There was a lot more yelling then  ,but not at the telly....
Having just got rid of those pesky Welburn Ryans we are gearing up for several of the Belgium Ryans and their olympic tickets..It's like  a bloody hotel. But at least they are cat people so loads of treats for me I think.....

Wednesday, 1 August 2012

Greetings, blogfollowers, Fibonacci here.
I have declared an Olympic holiday here at Running HQ (though I see from Matt's training plan that this coincides with interval training......). I think MyHuman is tired and needs a day off.
The Welburn Ryans have been staying, flaunting their swimming tickets under my nose (I'm not keen on swimming at all - I fell into the washing up bowl once trying to make my escape with a piece of bacon I'd liberated from an unattended sandwich and have been traumatised ever since.). They are dog people, the Welburn Ryans, and have been teasing me mercilessly - mostly about being a cat -  and annoying me no end, culminating in this little stunt:

We watched the sailing and the archery and this morning watched the women's pair win a stonking gold at the rowing (though what the womens's quad was playing at I do not know).Go GB!! This afternoon we are going to watch Bradders take it home in the time trial.
The Gymnasts on the balance beam inspired me to have a little go on top of the trellis. I haven't been up there for a while on account of my surgery, but I was going very well, showing off my moves when the sodding blackbird, egged on by those pesky robins - dive bombed me just as I was executing my most difficult move (turning round). Damn near came a cropper but manged to recover just in time, although my artistic merit marks took a bashing.
Well, all this blogging has worn me out. I think  little snooze on the potato sacks is in order. I'm going to see VetJanet next week, buy I'm not sure why. All my visits involve her shooting something into me or drawing something out of me  - both with a bloody big needle. Will have to make an Olympic effort not to get caught that day...

Tuesday, 31 July 2012

Week 6 is done!!!

Day 1 30 mins steady:
Got up early to beat the heat - Regents Park was beautiful - and managed 2.37 miles.

Day 2 Intervals:
My personal nightmare. Matt has increased the intervals from 8 x 60 sec intervals to 6 x 90 secs (with 5 mins steady either side). Horrible. 30 seconds doesn't sound much, but when you'd sooner eat coal than do intervals of any type it's monstrous. I went to Primrose Hill for this and actually overtook a bloke!! And he wasn't on crutches either....

Day 3 Tempo Run 31 mins:
Matt is turning the screw with the Tempo as well (what's the matter with the man...?!). It's gone up from 22 mins (5 easy, 12 faster, 5 easy) to 31 mins (5 easy,8 faster, 5 easy,8 faster, 5 easy).
Back to Regents Park before work for this- ooh it was hard. Definitely the hardest session so far. But covered 2.68 miles.

Day 4 Long slow distance 60 mins:
Definitely my finest hour this one!!! Last week I had to do 55 mins and did 4.5 miles. 60 mins is uncharted territory - but 5.14 miles clocked!! I had to push myself but I got to about 55 mins and realised if I went for it I could get to 5 miles. This run is supposed to be slow and steady but I just had to see the distance counter start with 5 at the end of the session - and I did!!! Bloody fab!!
Mind you could barely walk for rest of day and ankle is perilous,but it was worth it!  Bring on week 7!!

Monday, 23 July 2012

Week 5 done!!
The last day's target for this week  was 55 mins steady. And guess what? I ran exactly 4 and a half miles!!! Me!! Four and a half miles!! And this was according to my Garmin watch and not my wayward iphone.
At least I think it's miles..oh crap I hope I haven't got my watch set to km.....
...No, it's miles!! God I'm so chuffed with myself.
Week 6 looks like its stepping up a bit...but I shall prevail...must make more of an effort to get more sponsors, though...

Thursday, 19 July 2012

Week 4 done and dusted!
I caught some lurg and lost my voice (which some would say is no bad thing!) so didn't do my tempo run on the Friday. Wasn't feeling great for steady run Sunday but adopted kill or cure approach and went out anyway and managed 3.38 miles in 40 mins. And am still alive - but no thanks to Black Lexus, mind you. Those Lexuses (Lexi?) are a menace. Specially when they're in silent running mode- it's like the Hunt for Red October without the bloody water. Jeez, damn near had a heart attack on the spot!!
I did however do the intervals, even though I vowed I wouldn't. I can't shake off the thought, what if it's them, specifically, that make the difference? And if I don't do them I won't make it round?
Mind you, if it's the resistance training that makes the difference then I've had it already, cos I've done absolutely none of that.
My new asics seem to be doing the job for my dodgey ankle, which is still dodgey but has stopped short of breaking down altogether, so fingers remain crossed there.
So into week 5 we go....

Sunday, 8 July 2012

Sunday July 8th

Week 3 is duly repeated and completed! Target for today was 50 mins steady, which I did, no stopping, no walking!! A muddy 6.2 k it was!! This is where I got to last time and it was the very next day walking to work that my ankle conked out. So fingers crossed for tomorrow!! If the same thing happens I shall cry.
Will take it easy this afternoon, just need to limber up with the remote control & figure out how I'm going to watch the tennis, the Tour and the Grans prix all at the same time!! It's a hard life.

Thursday, 5 July 2012

Thursday July 5th

Well ,blog-followers, week two is repeated and completed with no ill effects and I am well into week three! I had more physio on my ankle last week and some ultra sound and have got two sets of exercises to do every day. It's still a bit dodgey but am running on it anyway.
The good news is that I've got a lovely Garmin Forerunner 110 watch which doesn't lie to me like my iphone, telling me I've run 7 miles in 20 minutes!. It's fab! I just push start and stop and it does everything. I did my 40 minutes at the weekend and ran 4.89km. Given it's only week 2 I was bloody chuffed!!
So now I only use my iphone for intervals (my watch might be able to mark intervals but if it does I haven't figured it out yet!),which is not without its own dramas! You see, I can't run with earphones in (hearing the sound of your own blood pumping round your body is admittedly reassuring, but it's down right creepy) so I have to put my phone in the nearest pocket to my ears which is in the back of my running pants and turn the volume up dead loud so I can hear it. Trouble is, so can everyone else. I was jogging along the canal last week in the silence after the rain, just me and a mallard duck  (which speeded up every time I did just so it could keep its beak in front) when a little old lady appeared round the corner out for a stroll. Of course I was just jogging past her when my running pants suddenly shouted out at the top of their voice "Next interval, 1 minute fast!". Poor old dear nearly leaped clean out of her tennis shoes she got such a fright! Sorry, little old lady!
Well, it's a tempo run on tomorrow's schedule. Groan. Trouble is, do I get up early and do it before work, or do I do it after work...? 
I wonder if a glass of Merlot will help the decision making process..? You know,I do believe it will!

Wednesday, 27 June 2012

Tales from the cancer road...

A loss
Mum's oldest friend Peg, who lost a long and tiring battle last week. Mum will help scatter her ashes in the bluebell wood where they walked and talked about life and love - and bluebells - for half a century. May she rest in peace.

A victory
For Alistair & Pam, who have been in a very dark place for a very long time, stuggling on towards the light at the end of the tunnel, which waxed and waned and at times didn't seem real. But real it was, and last week they burst out into it, with a clear scan result at last for Pam! The road is to be travelled a bit further still, but how much lighter the journey.

Monday, 25 June 2012

Monday June 25th

Check out these babies!!

My new asics Gel cumulus 13s, with memory foam around the ankles(not sure this is working though because I forgot to turn my iphone off at the end of my run)! Yes, I said "run", because I resarted my training today. I considered the sweatshop half marathon plan, but it involved cross training and swimming and things. I mean pur-lease!!
So, Matt, you win, I'm sticking with you. I'm repeating week 2, and did my first 20 mins steady after work today, which means the dreaded intervals tomorrow (according to my iphone i ran 7 and half miles at roughly two minutes per mile! I must buy a proper watch!).
On Wednesday I'm having physio - my ankle is runnable but is still not right (but the gel shoes are soooooooooo supportive and comfy) and going to pilates, which is supposed to help. 
Fibonacci the cat is also on the mend and is at this moment showing off his magnificant scar to a blackbird which is doing its duster on top of the trellis.

Wednesday, 20 June 2012

Wednesday June 20th

Well, it's all been a bit fraught at running HQ, with not much running! I'm carrying on with my ankle strengthening exercises and that seems to be pr0gressing nicely. Yesterday lunchtime I did 30 mins along the canal and was dead chuffed with myself. And I saw a dead rat and a seagul with a dead starling in its beak. My crappy iphone calculated this to be 6 and a half miles! I wish!!! So I've no idea how far I ran. Roll on end of contract so it can go in the bin and I can get my hands on the delicious new shiney Samsung Galaxy SIII.
Fibonaccithecat has been poorly and had a tumour removed. He,too, is on the mend, but is wearing a collar and still isn't allowed out so he spends most of the day sleeping and most of the night getting wedged under furniture or trying to get out of the catflaop; and I spend most of the day trying to stop him scratching/licking his huge scar and most of the night freeing him from under said furniture and shouting at him to STOP BANGING ON THE SODDING CATFLAP!!!
So not ideal running preparations really! Am absolutely knackered.
But today I bought some new running shoes from Sweatshop which have a bit more cushioning than my Vapor 9s. I'm going to try them out tomorrow. I also got a free pass into their FullPotentil run club, which I have to say looks great and they are designing me a training plan as part of the deal so I'll see what it looks like and, I'm sorry Matt, but I may have to let you go....
And more good news - my Team Bones runnign tee-shirt arrived today so now I feel like it's actually happening (bugger!). And my sponsorship is starting to mount up even though I haven't properly advertised yet
So I think we're getting there,slowly...does anyone want a cat?

Sunday, 10 June 2012

Week 6
Sunday June 10th

Did she or didn't she...?
Yes she bally well did!! twenty minutes at super slow pace - I was actually passed by a couple of snails at one point. But 20 minutes is 20 minutes and after three weeks of nothing it felt brilliant to be back in my running shoes. No ill effects with ankle , but tomorrow will tell the true story...
So a great weekend so far - not only am I back out there on the case for BCRT, but I watched the glorious Richie McCaw leading the All Blacks to victory (surely made by angels in Openside Flanker Heaven). Fabbo!

Saturday, 9 June 2012

Week 6
Saturday June 9th

Greetings, Blogfollowers! It has been very quiet of late at Running HQ. Week 6 ends tomorrow with a 60 minute steady, but I haven't run since the end of week 3!! The lovely physios at the Camden Physio Clinic have been working on me and giving me exercises to strengthen my ankle and tomorrow I'm going to try a little jogette to see how things feel. Maybe 15 mins no more. If all is well I'll repeat week 3, but will do all runs at steady pace, no tempo and definitely NO intervals! At the and of the day, the object is to get round and raise money for BCRT, not break the land speed record.....
Fibi is all blogged out and is snoozing on the potato sacks in the greenhouse.
Tomorrow, here I come!!

Sunday, 27 May 2012

Week 4
Day 4 Sunday May 27th
Target : 40 Mins steady
Actuals: 3 mins unsteady

Well, Blogfollowers, it's me again, Fibs. The crisis at running HQ is deepening,with no activity at all this week until this morning, when MyHuman - against my advice, I hasten to add - decided to see how her ankle was bearing up and attempted a little jog. Well it was certainly that - little! The ankle is very poorly and I am recommending a sports physio consultation next week. I'm also recommending gentle stretches and pilates until running can be undertaken once more. I'm being very supportive and this is me doing my pilates:

It's fair to say I am much more finely honed than MyHuman, you just can't see it under my fabulous coat!

Week 4 summary:
Number of miles - None. Nada. Zilcho.

Tuesday, 22 May 2012

Week 4
Day 1 Tuesday 22nd May
Target: 25 mins steady

Greetings, Blogfollowers!

I'm in charge of the blog this week. This is me, Fibonacci (Fibs to my friends). I think I was supervising stretches when this was taken. If you're interested, I was 15 last week and could it it possible that I am getting even more handsome with age??
Anyway, we are trying to avert a crisis here at running HQ.
This is MyHuman's right foot:

And this is My Human's left foot:

I've had a little sniff through the support in my additional capacity as medical co-ordinator and I think maybe the ankle ligaments are complaining a tad so I have advised no training for a few days. I don't think this has been caused by overtraining, but maybe it's punishmnet for being a teensy bit too smug (sorry, Haile).
Well there we are. I think I might head off into the garden now and see what's happening in the peonies...

Sunday, 20 May 2012

Week 3
Day 4 Sunday 20th May
Target: 50 mins steady
Actuals 50.10 mins/3.53 miles

Haile Gebresalassie, eat my shorts!

Week 3 is complete and I have done everything Matt has asked of me, with no stops. Except for the resistance training. And the pilates. Ok, well almost everything. then.

Week 3 summary:
Total miles run - 8.82
Best training moment of the week: Running 50 mins non-stop!!
Worst training moment of the week: Fibi coughing up a fur ball in my runing shoe. Bad cat.
Week 3
Day 4 Sunday May 20th
Target: 50 mins steady

50 minutes? Are you crazy?......

Friday, 18 May 2012

Week 3
Day 2 Thursday May 17th
Target: Intervals 20 mins (5 slow, 10 intervals, 5 slow)
Actuals: Nausea and misery (but 20.20 mins/1.67 miles)

I can't decide which is worse - thinking about intervals or doing them. I got in a training muddle and couldn't do my usual wednesday so was up at 06.30 to get this in before work. I went down to the canal  and started off but the second bridge gate was locked (wake up earlier, canal bridge gate opening person!) so I thought I'd try primrose hill park for the first time.  God it was packed!! There were people doing pull ups in the little gym bit, some people walking their dogs, a guy running up and down the hill - with a back pack on (!), a group of ladies practising their air knitting (though I think on refelction this may have been tai chi), a chap who looked like he was trying to push over a small tree and a couple of fellows who looked like a spell in secure accommodation would do them a power of good.  I gave them a wide berth. But it's great for intervals (if anytyhing about intervals can be great)because of all the long paths that criss cross each other so I'm glad I found that  out. Trouble is it is sooooooo tempting to choose all of the down hill ones....
Am not sure about morning training. I was bloody knackered by 3.00 O'clock, but due to my ability to sleep with me eyes open I did manage to catch 40 winks in the middle of a video conference (just kidding!! I was awake the whole time I swear)
Week 3

Day 1 Tuesday May 15th
Target: 25 mins steady
Actuals: 25.06 mins/2.03 miles

Raining stair rods for day 1, which has crept up from a steady 20 to a steady 25. Sneaky! But I donned my lycra and fabby waterproof running jacket (you can undo all the little zips and the sleeves come off! Which is better than the wheels coming off) and went out along Regent's Canal anyway. It was quite exhilerating actually although I drew a few funny glances at the check out in Morrison's afterwards(must remember to go home and change first in future!)

The dreaded intervals tomorrow. I feel sick already...

Sunday, 13 May 2012

Week Two
Day 4 Sunday May 13th
Target: 40 mins steady
Actuals: 40.00mins (!)/2.73 miles

Fabbo! I actually ran 40 mins non-stop -with my niece - no problems!! First time ever!!It was awesome. 2.73 miles - that's not far off 5k!! Could Matt's draconian training regime of imtervals and tempo runs actually be paying off?
So chuffed were we that we had hog roast ciabbatas as big as out own heads as a reward (sorry, Matt).

Week 2 summary:
Miles run - 7.65
Worst training moment of the week - interval training
Best training moment of the week - running with niece #1 for the first time

Saturday, 12 May 2012

Week 2
Day 3 Friday May 11th
Target: Tempo Run 20 mins (5 steady, 10 faster, 5 steady)
Actuals: 20.03 mins/1.56 miles

Groan!  How come I cover less distance doing 5 steady/10 faster/ 5 steady than doing 20 steady??  Ach!
Got a steady 40 tomorrow - we are into unchartered waters now, 30 mins being the longest so far....
I'll be crawling round Castle Howard at this rate.

Wednesday, 9 May 2012

Week 2
Day 2 Wednesday May 9th
Target : Interval Training 20 mins (5 warm up, 10 intervals, 5 warm down)
Actuals: 20.02 mins/1.69 miles

Oooooh that was hard! And it was raining.
On the plus side - I did it. I did not stop. And I narrowly avoided bumping into a colleague in my mud spattered licra and a face like a beetroot.
On the minus side - I think I'm going to be sick.

Because I do feel a teensy bit guilty about not doing Matt Roberts Running Guru's SAS resistance plan, I lay on the floor and  did a few pilates thingies instead. Super beneficial - not only did I locate my inner core, but I found 50p and a tube map under the sofa ( I must hoover under there at the weekend.....)

Tuesday, 8 May 2012

Week 2!!Day 1
Target: 20 mins steady
Actuals : 20.04 mins/1.67 miles (according to very dodgey iphone so possibly wildly inaccurate)

Well, that was tough. Felt no more like doing that than knitting socks. But I forced myself out & it was quite pleasant along the canal in the evening sunshine. However, Matt Roberts Running Guru is telling me I have also to do resistance training today! Well, I'm resisting the resistance. On account of the fact it seems to have been designed for the Special Forces. I mean, do you seriously expect little old me to to do 4 sets of 30 burpees along with several other gravity defying feats and repeat the whole thing twice - after having just run 1.67 miles (possibly)? What is a burpee anyway? It doesn't sound very lady like. And I'm also suppose to do pilates as well?? Pur-lease!! I'll probably die. Or snap in at least three places. Ach!
Still, I must do something to strengthen my apple core - got the Castle Howard 10k in just 6 week and I've hardly got the strength to type this.
Intervals training tomorrow - my absolute all time least favourite things (after Eastenders. And sprouts).

Sunday, 6 May 2012

Day 4 Sunday May 6th
Target: Long Slow Distance - 30 mins
Actuals: 30.06 mins/2.11 miles

Done!! Week 1 of 16 duly completed! Managed to run for 30 mins non-stop, if you're not too pedantic about the definition of the word 'run'!

Week 1 summary:
Total miles 7.32
Worst training moment: being lapped by a pensioner
Best training moment: getting muddy in Regent's Park
Day 3 Friday May 4th
Target: Tempo Run, 20 mins total (5 easy, 10 faster, 5 easy)
Actuals: 20.06 mins/1.54 miles

It's funny how 10 minutes seems like 10 hours when you're running faster than the wind. Well, ok, I was passed by an old fellow with a walking stick, but it felt fast to me. ..
Note to self: never agree to a physical challenge in a pub...
Day 2 Wednesday May 2nd
Target: Interval Training, 20 mins total (5 warm up, 10 intervals, 5 warm down)
Actuals: 20.03 mins/1.66 miles

Who the hell invented interval training? I think I may have dislodged a kidney.
Can I really survive another 15 weeks of this?
Day 1. Tuesday May 1st
Target: 20 mins steady run/walk
Actuals: 20.03 mins/ 2.02 miles (can this be right?)

Well, how hard can this be? Gentle lollop along the canal, 'running' not walking and no stopping! Only another 11 miles to fit in. I can do this!!